Done and done. 12:32. I pretty much stuck to my plan of taking it easy for the first 60kms with some walking at the start. My choice of using the minimus running shoes was a good one, but my tiredness in the last 40 kms didn't allow me to be as light footed as the shoe require, especially over the hard packed gravel roads in the last 40kms. This caused me to have to change to the shoes provided by Smiths, which were total road shoes with no milage on them. Hence the blister (first one ever) and imminent loss of a toenail. I drank plenty of fluid and replace along the course but got mixed up with my gels and missed 3 or 4 out (doh!). My pacers Mark and Rohan were great
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Tarawera 100km Ultra
Done and done. 12:32. I pretty much stuck to my plan of taking it easy for the first 60kms with some walking at the start. My choice of using the minimus running shoes was a good one, but my tiredness in the last 40 kms didn't allow me to be as light footed as the shoe require, especially over the hard packed gravel roads in the last 40kms. This caused me to have to change to the shoes provided by Smiths, which were total road shoes with no milage on them. Hence the blister (first one ever) and imminent loss of a toenail. I drank plenty of fluid and replace along the course but got mixed up with my gels and missed 3 or 4 out (doh!). My pacers Mark and Rohan were great
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